

We Empower Innovation in Education

At NewZeal, we prioritise excellence in Education that prepares our children and young people for future success, fosters a love of learning, and cultivates personal well-being. We advocate for a strong core curriculum that instils confidence and resilience, with safe and age appropriate content. 

  • We recognise the critical role of teachers. As such we acknowledge that teacher training and resourcing in New Zealand needs investment. We are committed to improving the quality and effectiveness of teacher training programs, ensuring that our educators are equipped with the skills, knowledge and ongoing resources necessary to provide a world-class education to our children.

  • We believe that schools should be resourced so that teachers can focus on teaching. This means strengthening school wide approaches to managing behaviour, and adequate in class teacher aide support and access to behaviour specialists where student behaviour demands could divert quality teaching time.

  • We firmly believe in the importance of the home and school partnership. NewZeal will work towards strengthening positive parental engagement in school governance. We recognise that parents and caregivers play a crucial role in their child's education and we will ensure their families voice is a significant part of the conversation.

  • We are committed to transparency and parental consultation in shaping the
    curriculum. Changes proposed by the Ministry of Education will be made with full transparency, including the meaningful involvement of parents and caregivers in decision-making processes. We believe that educational policies should reflect the aspirations and values of our New Zealand families.

An excellent education system builds off the aspirations and expertise of parents and teachers, with our children and young people at the heart.

Let us build together an education system that enables our tamariki and rangatahi (children and young people) to discover their passion and purpose, and so build a brilliant future for our nation.

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